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Corona Virus: What do you need to do?

To know what to do, you need to consider some symptoms:

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

The clinical signs and symptoms are mainly respiratory, similar to a common cold. They can also cause infection of the lower respiratory tract, such as pneumonia.


The main symptons are:

– Fever;

– Cough;

– Runny nose;

– Difficulty breathing.


What to do in case of symptoms?

With mild symptoms:

Patients with mild symptoms should isolate themselves at home, under medical advice; wear a mask to protect the airways and not have contact with other residents of the residence within 14 days.


With severe symptoms:

The guideline at this point is that patients with severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, seek basic health units so that they can be accompanied by professionals from the Municipal Health Department.


Basic Health Unit near Campus II (UFG Samambaia Campus):

São Judas Tadeu Family Health Center

Centro de Saúde da Família São Judas Tadeu

Google image.

Google Link Location:



Basic Health Unit close to Campus I (Campus Colemar Natal e Silva - Setor Universitário):

Basic Health Unit of Family Health

UABSF Setor Leste Universitário

Google image.

Google Link Location:



⇒ To avoid false news, saude.gov.br/fakenews/coronavirus and check information about the disease.


⇒ Download the App Corona Vírus, from SUS, access the page https://www12.goiania.go.gov.br/goiania-contra-o-coronavirus/ to download.


⇒ For more guidance on what to do, in Portuguese:


(Atendimento da Prefeitura de Goiânia)

Telefone: (62) 3267-6123 (fixo ou celular)

WhatsApp: 62 98599-0200

Atendimento: Todos os dias, das 7h às 19h.


⇒ List of health units prepared to assist patients with suspected coronavírus: clique aqui



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